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Would you like to DONATE to support our youth in agriculture…?

It takes a lot to appropriately recognize our county’s youth who are participating in the Premier Exhibitor Program.  There are monetary prizes given to those exhibitors who have gone above and beyond in their project areas to be the best exhibitor they can be!  There are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place monetary awards given for each age division of Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Premier Exhibitors for each market project which includes Steer, Lamb, Hog, Goat, and Fruit Crop.  They also receive belt buckles for each of the 1st place awards in each category and age division.   

These exhibitors may not have been able to get the best genetic animal or fruit crop, but they have put an exemplary amount of effort into their agricultural project.  These projects help them grow into successful young adults and start them on a wonderful path to a successful life.  We would love to continue supporting them, encouraging them, and potentially rewarding their efforts more than what is currently possible.  We can do this with your help!  Thank you for considering supporting our Osceola County youth.  Please fill out the form below to let us know how to contact you regarding your pledge.


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