2022 Premier Exhibitor Registration Form 2022 Premier Exhibitor Registration Full Name * First Last Name * Last Birth Date * Age Division (As of Sept 1st) * Junior (8-10)Intermediate (11-13)Senior (14 and Above) Exhibitor Username * Only lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed. Phone (For Project Related Contact Purposes Only) * Email Address * Enter Email Confirm Email Address * Confirm Email Password * Enter Password Confirm Password * Confirm Password Select Premier Exhibitor Projects (Hold Control for Multiple Selections) * Market AnimalFruit Crop Select Your Primary Market Animal Project(s) * SteerLambGoatHog Profile Picture - Photos over 500KB may take several minutes to upload before you can click the Register Button Below. For faster registration, please reduce the file size of your profile photo. Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 256MB Please attach a .jpg, .png, .gif or .mpg image. By attaching an image to use as your profile picture you assert that you have rights to use the image and it is not illegal, pornographic or violent in any way. You also authorize KVLS and the Osceola County Fair to utilize uploaded photos for website and marketing purposes. Acknowledgement of Premier Exhibitor Contestant: I, as the exhibitor listed above, agree to participate in the Premier Exhibitor Program, submit content, forms, and photos to this site in order to earn points to compete in the Premier Exhibitor Program. I ALSO AGREE NOT TO ALLOW ANYONE TO SUBMIT CONTENT, FORMS, OR PHOTOS ON MY BEHALF. This is a contest to highlight my exceptional character, commitment, determination, skill, and dedication to my project. I agree to put forth my best effort in reaching my full potential and achieving my goal of becoming a Premier Exhibitor. If I need assistance, I understand that I may ask for help with logging in and/or how to use the website. However, I agree that I will complete these tasks on my behalf as a Premier Exhibitor Contestant. Signature of Premier Exhibitor Contestant: Clear Parent Name: * Parent Name: First First Last Last Parent Phone: * Emergency Contact Name: * Emergency Contact Name: First First Last Last Emergency Contact Phone: * Parental Consent and AGREEMENT NOT TO COMPLETE FOR EXHIBITOR: * I, as the parent of the exhibitor logged in and listed above, consent to allow my child to participate in the Premier Exhibitor Program, submit content, forms, and photos to this site in order to earn points to compete in the Premier Exhibitor Program. I ALSO AGREE NOT TO SUBMIT CONTENT, FORMS OR PHOTOS ON BEHALF OF THE EXHIBITOR. This is a contest to highlight my child's exceptional character, commitment, determination, skill, and dedication to his or her project. I agree to allow them to thrive on their own while encouraging them to reach their full potential and achieve their goal of becoming a Premier Exhibitor. If they are young or need assistance, I understand that I may help them with logging in and/or how to use the website. However, I agree that I will not complete these tasks on behalf of my Premier Exhibitor Contestant. Signature of Parent: * Clear If you are human, leave this field blank. Register A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Support our Youth in Agriculture... Become a Premier Exhibitor Sponsor Today! Become a Sponsor Today!